TLIA Fall volunteer cleanup and project day is scheduled for Saturday 0ct 5.
Several projects are planned:
1. Repair and add crushed red granite to all the paths
leading to the bridges and the path in Northlake. Many volunteers needed to spread the path material and restore the paths.
Materials needed:
Metal rakes ,shovels, wheel barrows , gloves and eye protection. A small tractor with a trailer would be helpful.
2. Continue to clear invasive trees and vegetation at the Zupansic park location in South Hills.
Materials needed:
pruning saws, clippers, chain saws, gloves, eye protection. Small tractor would be helpful here also
3. Clear and trim shore line of rest and beach island of overgrowth.
Materials needed : clippers, pruning saws,
metal rakes , gloves and eye protection.
4. Disposal of boats without TLIA current stickers left on boat landings. Call Kevin Middleditch for details. I suggest a separate email sent out for this project to provide urgency and clarity even though it will be done on same day and
this email should be sent out ASAP
Lunch will be provided for all volunteers at the tennis court parking lot between noon and 1:00.
Please sign up online ASAP so we know our manpower and can schedule accordingly.
Any questions please contact John Yancey or Kevin Middleditch for more details or if you would like to volunteer.