Randy Young, TLIA President
Welcome to another wonderful year in Tower Lakes! We have a lot to celebrate. As my last month as your president, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank the selfless volunteers who manage our committees. Without your continued dedication, none of the amenities that we have come to expect from TLIA as our standard of living would be possible. Here are some of the highlights from our committees in 2018.
Beach – The beach has been a stable and constant recreational element for our families over the years. Activities included swim lessons, the annual swim meet, and Friday Fundays. Not to mention the 4th of July! We gained some new tables, benches and even found the missing lifeguard boat on Devil’s Island! The beach is an unparalleled and treasured asset to our community.
Communications – The committee that blasts emails, produces the monthly newsletters, creates the posters and updates the website is at a critical turning point. It is a financially self-sustaining committee and has been managed superbly by the committee lead, Cass Young. Unfortunately for the community, she is stepping down from the lead position and this January edition will be her final newsletter. This is a huge loss for TLIA and a major challenge to the Board moving forward. Amanda Brown, who along with Cass, produced many of the email blasts, is also stepping down in favor of her commitment to the Events Committee. Communications is in need of a dedicated volunteer who is interested in communicating the vital information we all need to keep our community current. If interested, please contact: [email protected].
Events – After a re-structure of this committee a few years ago, it is back to full capacity with eight couples managing the incredible fun activities in our community. This creative bunch launched some new and exciting events last year: beer tasting, laser tag, and the fall concert on the water, featuring Pat McKillen. The committee also brought back some favorite standards: bowling, The Pub Quiz, Cubs at Milwaukee, Progressive Dinner, Turkey Trot, Chili Cookoff, Men’s Day, and of course, the big multi-day July 4th celebration. A very deserved thank you to these committee members who keep us connected.
Finance – In my mind, this committee made the biggest and most necessary transformation and process improvement in our association. Firstly, the board secured a volunteer audit committee and an outside consultant to review our books. They both made recommendations that we implemented for better fiscal responsibility and accountability. Secondly, we moved our accounting from a fiscal year to a calendar year, beginning January 1, 2019, which created a much more efficient reporting and accounting system. Thirdly, all Board committees merged their finances into the TLIA system which allowed for more oversight and centralization. We have been able to provide oversight into our cashflow and much better reporting to our membership. Finally, the committee collected over 98% of dues, including several delinquent accounts which has been a consistent issue for years within the association. We have became much more transparent with our dues collection by publishing articles in the newsletter on dues compliance and the potential consequences of late payments and delinquency.
Grounds – Led by John Yancey, this committee kept the parks and common areas well-maintained. Some of the many things they manage are: the cutting of the grass, raking leaves, and keeping the structures within the parks safe and secure. Covek’s Crossing Bridge was repaired and Lindy Lewis Gazebo (on the west side) received a fresh staining and new stone steps down the hill. While the fall cleanup day was cancelled due to weather, the spring cleanup day went well. New this year was a “Fun Run for the Parks” which helped educate and bring awareness of our conservation efforts and obligations.
Grounds Beautification – While Grounds maintains the parks, Grounds Beautification beautifies them. They refurbished and maintained the flowers at each entrance and park. Their numbers are staggering: over 100 mums and 200 tulips were planted last year. Led by Pat Covek, her team restored the community gardens and installed two new ones last year: one at the gazebo (which included a water spigot) and one called Remembrance Garden. In addition, the committee formed a butterfly way-station at the entrance of Rest Island. For the holidays, they placed wreaths around the community and donated 20 handmade Christmas centerpieces to a local food pantry.
Finally, it wouldn’t be Tower Lakes without the annual tree lighting ceremony on Rest Island, managed by this committee.
The Garden Club – This club, which is a subcommittee of Grounds Beautification, held monthly meetings to educate members on the beauty of flowers and gardens in our lives. They discuss garden topics and host a variety of speakers and educational activities.
Lake – The Lake Committee had a very challenging year. Due to the ups and downs of our weather, the lake accumulated a lot of algae, which was treated with an algaecide. Underwater plants also grew more than the committee liked and were treated with herbicides. Lilies were in abundance this past year and treated with an herbicide and “lake raking.” All of these are examples of an outstanding committee lead by Tom Kubala. The committee continues to benchmark with other organizations, communities, and experts to find the right -– and most cost effective — balance for our most precious asset.
Member Services – The role of this committee is to hand out annual beach tags and boat stickers in an effort to keep track of the members who use our lake and beach. You may not realize that members who are not current on their dues payments are prohibited from using the beach and lake, among other community assets and activities. Kevin Middleditch did an incredible job of stepping into his new role and keeping track of boats removed in anticipation of the fall cleanup and rain garden project. He is also working on the next version of the member directory.
Stewards of the Parks – part of Grounds Committee, maintains parks on an ad hoc basis to keep the parks clean and orderly. It is a new community based action committee with plenty of room to grow and increase membership.
Rain Garden – As we looked for a way to eliminate the standing water at Bays Park, the idea of creating a rain garden became the best solution. Project manager Andy Hay facilitated the tremendous amount of work with great success. If you haven’t seen this rain garden in action, please stop by it on a rainy day. It is on maintenance mode now and as planned will contain excess runoff water with its unique design. The second rain garden, at Wagner Park near the east boat landing, is in the works this year. Please keep track of the progress. Andy’s devotion to this project secured (last year alone) over $10,000 in government grants to help fund it.
Tennis – The new courts, which were funded by private donors and the Tower Lakes Community Foundation, are in full use. Not only were adult and youth tennis lessons taught, but over the last two seasons, Tower Laker Dave DeRita taught pickleball to our members. The new sport was so popular with residents that the committee stripped the second court for the game. A special thank you to Robert and Kathy Covek for maintaining the nets and courts throughout the season.
Youth – Finally, the Youth Committee hosted a slew of activities for the little ones in the neighborhood. They managed great standard events like: Easter Egg Hunt, End of School Party, Family Day at the Ballpark, Tot Soccer, Movie Night, Back to School Bash, Story Time, Family Campout, Halloween, Santa and Carriage Rides. They also created some new ones last year, including: Rockin’ Jump at Trampoline Park, Middle School Volleyball, Kindergarten Playdate, and Family Bingo Night during the July 4th celebration. They also received a generous gift of a video projection system and screen from Jacquie Skurla and her company, A Touch of Pixie Dust Travel.
I have been so honored to serve as your president over the last 4 years. With your help, we have accomplished so much to make Tower Lakes better and more prosperous each year. As I step down, I’d like to wish the new administration the best and will see you around the neighborhood! Onward and upward!