Steve Burgoon – TLIA President
Boy, do I feel energized! And you should, too!!
TLIA has never been in better shape. We just com- pleted a fantastic Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 13 with over 75 people in attendance. While we unfortu- nately said good-bye to some long term and committed volunteers on the Board, we also welcome some new and capable members to take on critical leadership roles. In addition, we reviewed 2018 activities and plans for 2019. We covered a lot in less than two hours. THANK YOU to the members in attendance.
THANK YOU to Randy Young for his four years as our past President. During these four years he led significant updates to our financial system and process as well as a professional Communications effort. Randy built on the successes of our past president, Andy Hay, and is also a past Secretary. I hope that I too, can lead the team to continue building our wonderful HOA. And Randy, THANK YOU for offering your continued service as our Web- master and E-mail administrator on the Communications Committee. THANK YOU to Cass Young for her leadership over the past 8 years as the Commu- nications Committee Chairperson. Cass personally spent thousands of hours planning, coordinating and publishing the TL Newsletter, a professional monthly publication. Cass, THANK YOU for your selfless service to TLIA.
THANK YOU, Kathy Pattengale for your four years of service to TLIA as our Recording Secretary. We appreciate your voice of reason and timely feedback over the years. Best of luck as you continue to serve on the VOTL Planning Commission. THANK YOU, Mary Magro for your eight years of service to the Association as the TLIA Treasurer. Over the years Mary has processed checks for close to $2,000,000 in operating and capital expenses to keep the Association running. As with Randy, THANK YOU for helping the team over the next few months as we transition the Finance Committee and Treasurer function.
Lastly, I would like to thank the entire Nominations Committee for their time this year putting together a top notch slate of candidates. This committee includes Janet Blake (Chair), Lee Johnson, Mary Beth Adams, Jan Bahr, Bob Nash, and Mel Ott. THANK YOU to Janet Blake for serving as the chairperson for this committee or the past eight years.
YOU have done a marvelous job. Lee, thanks for offering to serve as chairperson for 2019.
As we thank those who have dedicated years of service to the Association, we also welcome newly elected Board Mem- bers. These new additions are detailed in a following article. I am anxious to get started working with our new team. The next two years will be years of TRANSITION and POSITION. We will be TRANSITIONING all our committees and we will be POSITIONING the Association for our next 100 years. Here are the major Objectives for 2019 and 2020 that I will submit to the Board at our first meeting:
1) Re-Commission the Long-Range Planning Committee to work on major projects.
2) Complete a review of and revision of the By Laws to ensure we are compliant with state association laws and to ensure we adjust the tenor of our By Laws, where appropriate, to the 21st century.
3) Review and update 5-year plans and capital budgets for the Grounds and Lake Committees.
Our next meeting is Monday, February 11 at 7PM at the VOTL Hall. Please, come out to help your elected Board and the Committees shape the future of this special place!! The more people contributing the more fun we will have!!