Steve Burgoon – TLIA President
May 2019
As you read this article it is now May and we have completed 1/3 of the calendar and TLIA fiscal year 2019. So much has already happened this year with many new people involved in the activities. To date, we have had numerous Youth and Social events, the lakes are receiving their first treatments for algae and the common parks and grounds are beginning to grow, being trimmed and receiving mulch. The Annual Spring Grounds and Lake Clean- Up occurred on April 27 and the always popular Progressive Dinner is scheduled for May 4.
Dues are being received and the Treasurer is paying the bills. Our past Treasurer is now the VP and helping to prepare for our first independent audit of our financial affairs. Lastly, a newly appointed Long-Range Planning Committee is working on a long-term strategy for our parks, grounds and boat landings while the Lake Committee works on their long- range plan. There is more happening here in TL than any of our neighboring communities have in a year.
In 2018 the Finance Committee developed a new template for budgeting and monthly reporting. In doing so, we have now divided our detailed budget and expenses into three categories: 1) Common Areas;
2) Committee Activities; 3) Administration. By law, the principal role of the Board is to protect the common areas (property) in the community. Accordingly, we have budgeted over half of our expenses on the Lakes and Grounds. In 2019 we increased our expense allocation to the lake, as it continues to eutrophy (age and fill in). We have planned a more aggressive approach to attack algae and plant growth as soon as practical. In addition, we are preparing the boat landings over time, to deploy a weed harvester (as we did in 2018), if necessary. Clearly, we all benefit from a healthy and sustainable lake, clean and well-maintained play areas, parks and colorful entrances.
Those Committees which offer social based Activities i.e. Youth,Events, Beach, Tennis, etc. and their many volunteers, work to craft TL’scool, traditional activities, as well as incorporating new and unique ones for our children, adults and guests. All this effort helps to enhance the enjoyment of our parks and lakes. Communications is included in this category, as this important committee works hard to ensure our members are aware of the details about all the FUN events in the neighborhood.Committee activities are more “pay to play” and that is why thesecommittees receive a very modest allocation from member dues, while the principal funding to support the activities comes from fees, donations, and advertising, as determined by each committee. Committee funding is budgeted at roughly 20% of total expenses but, be reminded that 90% of that is offset by incoming committee revenue NOT dues.
Administrative expenses include insurance (roughly one half the category), member services, website, email account, etc. These are expenses that support the Association, the properties and the community. These administrative expenses are very important but the Board is compelled to keep these expenses as low as possible. In 2019 the Board assigned only 13% of the budget (down from 2018) to Administrative expenses. The remainder of the budget is allocated to depreciation and our annual contribution to the Capital fund for long term capital improvements of the parks, beach, and lake as needed.
So there you have it. The 2019 board is continuing to build on the solid foundation provided by the teams preceding us. We wanted you to know that your dues are as- signed to expenses to improve the lakes and grounds at the low- est possible costs and we are creating a long range plan for capi-tal expenditures. Hope to see ya’ around the neighborhood!