Steve Burgoon – TLIA President
Over the past few months the TLIA Board has emptied our rented storage unit in Wauconda to save some money for the Association. We have divided the files by function/committee so that we can look back in history to learn from the past. There are some incredible gems – Maps from the 1930’s and 40’s; LakeCommittee reports – binders of them; Member Services and Tennis reports;
budgets – all kinds of great stuff.
One of the documents I found from back around 1980 was a letter to the Association explaining the difference between the Tower Lakes Improvement Association
(TLIA) programs and services and Village of Tower Lakes (VOTL) responsibilities. This is an age old subject that requires continual reminder.
Until 1966 all services and programs in the community were budgeted and conducted by TLIA. In 1966 the VOTL was established to carry out all municipal activities typically carried out by villages – Building and Zoning, Police, Public Safety, Roads, Stormwater Management. These services are carried out by the VOTL Board and staff and funded by taxes (Village, State, etc.) and fees (road stickers, etc.).
TLIA is the oldest and largest of the three Homeowners Associations (HOAs) within the VOTL limits. The HOA side is where the FUN happens. Since 1966 TLIA has been responsible for maintaining the TLIA Community property — lakes and grounds — and all the fun activities– Beach, Boating, Events, Tennis, Youth. TLIA is governed by a 9-person Board and supported by all the committees that run the community activities mentioned previously. TLIA property maintenance and activities are supported by annual dues and activity fees. Non-TLIA members within the VOTL can enjoy the TLIA properties and activities in the Association by becoming a member
of the Recreational Family Pass Program (RFPP.) This program is offered annually via a letter and application sent to VOTL residents early in the calendar year.
So, there you have it. VOTL takes care of municipal requirements and TLIA takes care of parks, lakes, and activities for TLIA members. Further details on both organizations are available on the websites: VOTL:http://www.towerlakes-il.gov/ and TLIA http://tlia.org . Additionally, details on VOTL and TLIA are included in
the printed version of the Tower Lakes Directory. Lastly, all new members of VOTL are presented a large file of helpful information when Mary Beth Adams, the Welcoming Committee, visits each homeowner shortly after they move into the community. If you are confused on any community programs or responsibilities, you can contact the VOTL or TLIA presidents via any one of the sources mentioned above.
See you all around the lakes and parks t