September 2019

Steve Burgoon, TLIA President
Hello neighbors. I hope you are all feeling a little cooler now that September is here. These next three months are my favorite three of the year as we cool down, leaves change color and we buttonup the outside to turn inside…and all get back intoour comfortable routines.
Many parts of the Association are now in the middle of planning for the future. Mark Handley, our
chairman of the Long Range Planning (LRP) Committee has drafted a SIGNIFICANT and comprehensive plan for all of our properties. That plan is currently being vetted in small committees to ensure the final plan is rationalized with another set of eyes and input. YOU can get involved by looking at the plan and providing your input. (See the article below for a link to the plan on the website. ) The final LRP will be presented to the board this fall for review and adoption. The vision is that this plan is up- dated annually by a standing LRP committee to assist the Board and Grounds Committee to establish an annual action plan and budget for the Grounds Committee Capital projects. This plan reviews all physical property, basically green space and tennis courts.
Similarly, the “Silt Team 8” – really the Lake Committee Long Range Planning team – is meeting monthly to develop alternative plans to im- prove all the areas of the lake. Their plan will be reviewed and vetted in 2020. Included in this plan will be recent and future lake studies/analysis and input from consultants and government agencies (County and State) to assist in making long term product decisions. This plan will conclude with a proposal for the recommended financial commitment needed from association members for long term lake improvements and maintenance. Lastly and very importantly, the Nominations Committee will hit the road in September to go find our next set of leaders to join the Board and/or significant Committees. (See article on this page.) Lee Johnson, Committee Chair, and her team of five others will reach out to our current membership for four (4) Board positions and additional help on the Beach and Grounds Committees.
Lots of planning and many opportunities to serve the Association. Itdoesn’t get any better than Tower Lakes… and it takes all of us to get itdone. If it is your turn to jump in and take on a more significant role, then we will have a job for YOU.
See ya’ around the neighborhood