Steve Burgoon – TLIA President
April 2019
Spring seems to be springing if not already sprung! We have seen warmer weather withmelting snow and ice…we are SO close! Andwe need Spring to get each of us outside to meet up with our neighbors. The warmer weather brings a growth of nature calling for lawn maintenance and clean up, tree trimming, flower planting and the overall buzz of activities for homeowners and TLIA member volunteers alike.
Spring brings out our largest contingent of volunteers as the Grounds Committee gets
ready for the annual Grounds Clean Up (cancelled this past fall due to weather). We regularly get 40 to 60 volunteer members to help on general maintenance of our parks and lakes for our spring and summer activities. We have such a tremendous amount of volunteers among our members. Between our Board and Committees, I count no less than 50 people/ families/couples involved with regular participating in volunteering their talent and energy to better the community. That number reflects close to 20% of the homeowners in the Association. Very impressive, but we can always use more people!
Speaking of volunteers, the Youth Committee did a fantastic job on March 8 getting close to 90 parents and kids to help pack food for Feed MyStarving Children. Fantastic job!!! And helping others doesn’t have to costanything but time, effort and a caring heart!!! A fantastic effort and example for our young people. Well done, Youth Committee! And well done, Events/ Social Committee for another fun evening – the Adult Social/Pub Quiz heldon Saturday, March 9 at McGonigal’s in Barrington. Special thanks to theCommittee and to Andy Milne, our Quizmaster for the evening. Amazingly, I knew that Andy and Caroline live on West Drive but I did not know about the element Holmium, which is apparently only valuable in spelling words. Iwill have to take a summer class from Caroline Milne to learn Holmium’strue relevance.
So…now is YOUR time to VOLUNTEER. There are MANY opportunities over the next few months to help YOUR Community. First, come on out on April 27 for GROUNDS CLEAN UP (see page 1) to help clear-out the winter trash and prepare our boat landings, parks and islands for our Summer activities. John Yancey and the Committee will have focused areas selected with a foreman in charge to guide a team in trimming, cleaning, etc. Lunch will be provided by Pat Covek and the Garden Club/Grounds Beautification Committee.
In the meantime, the Events/Social Committee has been feverishly planning our Independence Day activities. They have planned a complete schedule of activities for all ages beginning on July 4 and ending with the ever-popular Pancake Breakfast on Sunday July 7. PLEASE, CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING to RUN the PARADE, be a small team activity lead or to cook, take tickets, etc. Dial the team up at [email protected](see page 3)
In addition, the Grounds Beautification Committee, the Lake Committee (goose egg spotters needed), the Beach Committee and the Tennis Committee are busy gearing up for their seasons. If you have an interest or expertise in any of these areas, let a TLIA Board Member know or go to the TLIA App (see page 1) to find the correct contact.
Tower Lakes Improvement Association is the preeminent Homeowners Association in SW Lake County.
People move to our community be- cause they learn of our very active and engaged membership.Please help us keep that image at the forefront of people’s mindswhen they look to buy a home in the Barrington area. This is alldone by VOLUNTEERS.
See y’all this Spring