Randy Young, TLIA President
Last weekend we had a tremendous turnout of families for the Annual Easter egg Hunt. The islands were full of kids and families hunting for the golden egg. We all owe the Youth Committee a huge thank you for the event and a special thanks to the Easter bunny for the smiles she brought to everyone.
The biggest thing I noticed at the event was the number of the younger, newer families in Tower Lakes who turned out for the event. These are the new faces of Tower Lakes. It was great to have them all enjoying the wonderful day and the efforts of those who volunteered their time to create the event.
I want to speak to each of you, the newest families in the neighborhood, the newest members of TLIA. You and your families are our future.
TLIA is a membership driven organization. We operate on a tight budget taking full advantage of our members as volunteers to do nearly all of the work necessary to make your community a thriving and vibrant place to live. The Youth Committee is a great example of families with young children jumping in and making the time to volunteer. The tennis courts are another prime example of our members joining together to improve our community for the benefit of everyone.
You can say the same thing for every committee, activity, and person who steps up to be a part of TLIA. The list goes on and on… Events-Committees-Communications-Cleanup Days-TLIA Board…we have abundant ways to volunteer. What ever your time and skills allow, we have an unending list of opportunities.
We need you, our new, vibrant, young families to become active in TLIA. We need you to understand the value of this community and begin to step up to keep it that way.
It’s time now to begin to think about our next big opportunity. It’s the largest and greatest event we do each year, our 4th of July celebration. Now is the time to start to plan your participation; now is the time to grab a stake in the action.
Don’t know how to start, you say… Just email me at [email protected] or contact [email protected] and we will get you pointed in the right direction.
Now is the time to plan; now is the time to join; and now is the time to become a player not just an observer and enjoyer of the efforts of others on your behalf. Step up; make a difference in your community.