Tennis Anyone?

Randy Young, TLIA President
Well Tower Lakes, we did it. We have brand new tennis courts for all to enjoy. It was no easy task; no, not at all. I will admit, I was somewhat skeptical when the proposal for new courts was placed before the Board last year. (You can read all about it in the cover story on page 1.) My thoughts were that having just created a budget that required a dues increase, how could we reach out to our members for more? I challenged the Tennis Committee to come up with a viable plan, and they did. It was a plan for contribution matching between our members and the Association’s capital fund. Brilliant!
What we were really counting on was the understanding that Tower Lakers have a true spirit of volunteerism, entrepreneurship, and raw determination to get a job done. Especially when the job at hand would add real value to our community. And you didn’t disappoint. I congratulate those on the Tennis Committee who stepped up to plan and perform the due diligence, dig into the research, and do the hard work this project required. That process alone was years in the working. I thank the TLIA members who understood the value and importance of the courts to our community and voted at the ballot box for approval. I thank those contributors/members who followed up by voting with their wallets to make the financial goal happen. And last, but certainly not least, I thank the dozens of volunteers who got dirty, lifted bricks, cut trees, moved gravel and offered their time and muscle to build something lasting for our community. It was a monumental task that was managed with pride in our community.
But my thanks is just a single voice. I believe that each of us should seek out those that volunteered their time and vast talents so you can shake their hand with a hardy “thank you for a job well done.” It took a community effort to build the courts and it is a community responsibility to say thank you.
Now, I think I will go play some tennis!