Randy Young, TLIA President
The board has been busy during this first part of our new fiscal year, focused on many things, but mostly motivated towards a more transparent leadership. There are two items that I believe will help in this goal. Both are geared towards more open communication
and clear documentation of our practices.
2017 Annual Report
We have been working on an annual report that will contain much of the information you need about TLIA, including a message from the board, committee descriptions, and most importantly detailed and transparent financial reports. You’ll read our year-end profit/loss statement, view the forecasted 2018 budget and a see a reconciled 2017 balance sheet. These documents will provide each of our members a complete view of our year and our finances. This is something we have wanted to implement since I took office three years ago. It is not only the logical expansion of our financial re-structuring, but the right thing to do for our membership.
We plan to publish by the end of this month. It will be upload to tlia.org with a limited number of printed copies available at the Village Hall or by request. Be an active member, read it and get to know your association. Be that person!
Document Storage
The next big push towards a goal of transparency is the formal collection, catalog, and storage of important TLIA records, including board minutes, financial records, committee reports, and other documents that are important to our community. This project has been a budgeted and approved initiative for the last two years, but it has never truly been accomplished. Now is the time!
The maintenance of our membership records is a requirement of our bylaws and the State of Illinois. Unfortunately, we have been very lax in the management of this responsibility. That is going to change.
To make this happen, we need you! I know we have a librarians in the neighborhood that can help us determine best ways to catalog the documents. I’m sure there are database experts out there who can help us decide the best method or software to use. And I trust there several people willing to gather and coordinate our data. Be a TLIA forensic adventurer. I have faith that this will stir up some interest to maintain our great community legacy. I hope you wi give me a ca or email to say, “I’m in!”
It won’t take much of your time but you’ll become an important influencer on the future of TLIA. It’s our history and you can help preserve it.