Randy Young, TLIA President
I was looking back at my high school year book the other day and rediscovered what the editor wrote as a farewell charge to the departing seniors of 1970.
“Before us is a harsh world, a world at war and in constant turmoil. With our education, we can change it to a much better world where all men can live free and in peace; our expression of life.”
Those words were said to a graduating class of confused teenagers. The words reflected a spirit of cautious optimism coming at the end of a tumultuous decade. If we look around today, it seems that not much has changed and those words ring as true today as they did back then.
There’s been a new found movement of speaking up and stepping up all across America. Maybe the best thing to come out of 2016 is the realization that it’s time to become part of the solution, not part of the problem! We can be one of those communities. We can grab this newfound activism for good right here in Tower Lakes.
This is a year of change for TLIA and it cries out for a commitment from our families, to our families, and to each other. Community service, then as now, is an obligation, especially if you continue to receive benefit from the hard work of those who do serve.
I did my rallying, protesting, demonstrating, and stepped up to change our world and I continue that effort every day along with other volunteers within TLIA. It’s our duty to overcome the challenges of creating a better community. How about you? Are you ready to do the same?
This is why I am reaching out to everyone, especially the younger generation of Tower Lakers who are motivated by that same desire to create an “expression of their life” in Tower Lakes. It is the young optimists among us, the newest members of our community and especially those who are multi-generational legacy families of Tower Lakes. You who know the value of our community and you who have an obligation to lead your generation to make TLIA something special in this new year.
We are still looking for new partners to join us to lead in all areas of TLIA:
The Events Committee; are you part of that solution?
We’re moving forward on the lake; can you be a partner there?
How about the rain gardens; will your hands get dirty?
I bet you are looking forward to the 4th of July; plenty of room there to to be part of the team!
So as the song said back then, “the beat goes on.” Only the best and the brightest hear that beat and I know you are out there waiting to step up. Just give me a call or drop me an email. Together we will create a new team that is the solution to lead us all into a great future for Tower Lakes.
Can we live up to those words from 1970 and step up to “our expression of life” or better yet, “your expression of a new life” right here in TL? (And next time you see me, ask me who the editor was who charged his classmates with making it a better world!)