Happy 4th of July everyone!

Randy Young, TLIA President
I’d like to invite you to take a ride with me. Come on along, won’t you? Let’s climb into my imaginary hot air balloon; you know the one…it looks just like the one on that great new directory we all just received. It’s an easy drift over the trees to see the festivities and why “Life is good… in Tower Lakes.”
Hold on while I fire up a little more height. There… we can gaze down over the islands this 4th of July. Take a good look around at all you see. It’s a wonderland of music, food, fun, and community. Hey! Just like the poster says…
Take a look over there. See, there’s Rest Island and the stage where we’ll listen to some great music every day and evening this weekend. I saw the folks setting it up just yesterday and boy did they work hard. Oh, look! Just a few short steps away is the food tent. The kids can grab a treat or a slushy. How about a cold beer for us? Can you see the clothing tent and the folks from the Lake Committee in their tent? The Tower Lakes Foundation folks are here too! Listen closely. Is that the bingo caller I hear? Boy, that grill sure smells great!
As we drift over the lake and beach I can see the tug-o-war, canoe races, and the kids busy making sand castles. The Youth Committee always does such a great job with the kids’ activities. And look, there’s all the moms and dads basking in the sunshine and cooling off in the water! Is that a life guards whistling for a time out? Don’t worry the Beach Committee has all that well in hand.
The bridges and paths are a swarm of families going places and having fun. Grounds and the Beautification folks did a great job making everything look so nice. Just over the trees we can see the parks where they have face painting, pony rides, basketball games, the new tennis courts, and volley ball! Isn’t it a grand site to see from way up here? The view is magical! What do you expect? It’s Tower Lakes 4th of July.
Oh, what’s that you ask? How did everyone know about all this? Well it’s our wonderful communications team with all the emails, posters, and have you seen that 24-page full color newsletter for July? We may be on an imaginary balloon ride, but you really can’t imagine the hours of work all that takes. Over there, in the shade, it’s the Events team taking a short break. I don’t blame them. They deserve it! They are bushed from the dozens and dozens of hours of work, together with all their volunteers, that it takes to set all this up. Don’t worry it won’t be long before they are back at it making (like the sign says) life good in Tower Lakes.
Looking down, this is great, but how about a little glance up into the clouds? Just try it… you’ll see something special. Yes it’s the brand new directory app for Tower Lakes. Amazing isn’t it! Have you downloaded it yet? Talk about being the best!
As we drift back to reality, let me tell you a little tale about just how this all happens. It’s not complicated or difficult at all. It’s the people you know. You see them everywhere, managing all these activities, events, tents, and services. They are your friends and neighbors who have stepped up to volunteer. They are the Events, Communications, Grounds, Youth, Lake, Beach, and Beautification Committee people, activity leads, moms, dads and kids alike who have made this 4th of July happen for everyone. It’s people just like you. This is what our community is all about: people stepping up, people willing to give a little so we can all enjoy a few very special days together. Our community is special because of our people. And it doesn’t take a vivid imagination to see that, just a good look around.
You won’t find this kind of community just anywhere. No sir, it’s a Tower Lakes kind of thing! So, if you have a mind to step in… join in… volunteer the next time you see an opportunity. It may be today, tomorrow, or anytime… all year long. TLIA could use a few good people just like you to join in the party. Just ask anyone who’s behind a counter, working a tent or manning an activity. With a big smile, they’ll tell you how to join in.
Well the balloon ride is over and the real fun is just starting. You know, my wife says I’m a dreamer with my head in the clouds. I’m OK with that and maybe she’s right. To all the volunteers this 4th of July, thank you for making my holiday a dreamer’s delight… I love the view!