Randy Young, TLIA President
2017 Annual Meeting
The annual meeting is upon us this month. There are some very important issues to discuss and decisions to be made. Some of these you have heard me speak about in this forum, at board meetings, and in conversation with many of you as I sought out your opinions. Here are just a few of the agenda items.
Reorganization: During the last three years we have gone through a major reorganization in TLIA, re-shaping the committee structure being just one. In FY18 we are continuing to make changes, with an eye to optimizing effectiveness and community outreach. The plans will be laid out at the Annual Meeting.
Bylaws: We have proposed bylaw amendments, some seem trivial but some are major and deserve your review and thought. The Board has recommended approval on all of them and I hope you do as well.
Finances: Moving us to a better financial position has been my mantra throughout my tenure as President. Our finances were not where they needed to be and today they are better, but not good enough. We have made great improvements but times have changed and we are no longer a “kitchen table” financial organization. We must improve and move with the times. Look for this as a major topic at the meeting.
Fiscal Year: Wouldn’t it be nice to have the year we pay our dues match the year it says on the calendar? I think so and so does the Board. We have an amendment that does just that. I urge you to review the proposed amendment to change the fiscal year to a calendar year, see its logic, and vote for approval.
Voting: It starts right now. Your ballots should have been delivered or will be in your mail box very soon. It is simple and so very important. Each household (in good standing) gets two votes on each candidate or issue. The ballot can be mailed or dropped in the collection box at the Village Hall. Easy!
Attendance: Please attend. The discussion will be enlightening, the information useful, and the actions taken will effect us all. Voting by proxy does not count as a quorum; we need you in your seat to count!
That’s all for the moment, I want to save the brimstone for the meeting! Please attend and be a part of the solution, not part of the problem!
See you there!