TLIA held their Annual Meeting on January 13, 2019. They presented all the Board and Committee reports from 2018 to the membership. Listed here are links to the powerpoint presentation, the 2019 Budget, and the draft minutes of the meeting. President Randy Young’s remarks from the meeting are posted below.
CLICK HERE for Un-Approved 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes
CLICK HERE for the Powerpoint presentation in .pdf format
CLICK HERE for the 2019 budget

Randy Young, TLIA President
Notes From the Neighborhood, One Last Time:
After living in Tower Lakes for a few years Cass and I were discussing our struggle to try and figure out how we fit in this place. Are we really a part of the community? Did we really want to continue to live here? Was it really the place for us?
It was a real question and struggle for us. We had been here only a few years and really did not know very many people. Then a few days later, this crazy woman (that I later learned was Pat Covek) came up to me and said “Your Randy Young, you would be a good pick to be part of the Tower Lakes Plan Commission, you can join my son-in-law, Jeff Denhert and get things moving! Get involved!” I don’t think I had any choice in the matter!
Well, my experience there and the decisions we made during my years on the Plan Commission taught me a few key things. First, Tower Lakes is a pretty cool place with a bundle of un-tapped potential and second, I learned that the best place to get involved and truly make a difference was on the TLIA Board. It was then that I made my choice.
When I embarked on this journey, serving the community through TLIA, I never quite imagined what a long and strange trip it would be. No one could, how could you?
The meetings started out as you might expect. We discussed events, the lake, a few member issues, trees and clean-up days, bla bla bla…but I felt there were bigger issues just lying in the weeds waiting to be tackled. As it turned out, I was right! There was more to do and the opportunity was there, it was begging to come out. I learned and studied, guided by two two prior presidents, I did the time, learned the ropes, took on several jobs on the board. And then the opportunity came along.
You see, I believe in the spirit of Tower Lakes and the deep down wonderful feeling that our community represents. It’s families and kids, It’s generations of families and grandchildren, living just down the street, growing together, enjoying the lake, fishing, swimming, picnics on the 4th of July, ice skating in January. You see, it’s our neighborhood, spring, summer, fall and winter. I learned that this place is truly unique and so very special, like nowhere else. It needed to stay special and yet it needed to grow while not losing that charm. So, I decided to to all I could to make that happen.
Four years ago I stood before you and promised a new day and a new approach to TLIA. I had plans and ideas to share, goals to attain, and issues to tackle. I told you then that change is good and change was necessary if our community was going to survive and remain vibrant, today, tomorrow and into the future.
I pledged that the Board would function better, we needed to breathe new life into our structure and our committees, draw new people into the process. We needed to improve our lake, our neighborhood, our attitudes! So we did…
New Tennis Courts, better parks, better communications, a cleaner and better lake, we worked hard and improved our financial situation we woke up our membership to the obligation of dues payments, and the really of taking our association out of the kitchen table mentality and into a 21st century reality. I pledged that it would no longer be business as usual. That is how it began and now we find ourselves here.
Today, as you listen to your neighbors present the accomplishments of TLIA in 2018, I hope you can envision them though the lens of the new day that has dawned in Tower Lakes and our new way of managing the dream that is our neighborhood.
So let’s get started…
It’s fitting that I take a moment now to offer my sincere thanks and my deepest gratitude, to the Board Members with whom I have had the pleasure to serve with over these years… but more importantly, to all of you, the membership of our Association. THANK YOU for allowing me to be your president.
It has truly been a pleasure and an honor to serve you and along with you, improve our community. Tower Lakes is a marvelous and vibrant state of mind, ever growing abnd ever improving because of the quality of our membership.
I had the pleasure of serving during a time of great change in our association. There were changes that were difficult, ones that were obvious and many that were the not …the easy thing to do… but the right thing to do.
I am proud of every change we made. I hope that through each of them, we have moved TLIA forward to be poised for the future and prepared for the challenges of years to come.
As I have been saying in my column for the past few months, change is good, and now it is time for my final change.
I leave this position with but a few regrets of opportunities lost, more importantly, I leave with a contented heart full of warmth for our community and a belief in the things accomplished. I have nothing but the highest hopes of a future set to be.
That future is up to you, our membership, and to those who have stepped up to serve as your board members.
To the membership I say… keep on your toes, hold your board accountable and volunteer at every opportunity.
To the new board, keep true to the belief that you serve the membership. The future of TLIA is in your hands and with your leadership, it will be great!
Thank you.