To date we’ve been involved in the following:
- Looked at revising our association by-laws to keep us compliant with State requirements
- Set up cloud storage for TLIA documents
- Started to draft a long-term plan for our parks and recreational facilities
Planning is an opportunity to think about where we should devote our efforts apart from day-to-day operations.
The long-range plan we are working on is a guide to where capital funds need to be spent to meet association members’ needs. This can range from clearing and establishing a new park to upgrades of bridges or pathways.
The plan is a living document revised regularly to reflect available funds and how best to use them. Included are audits of existing facilities to verify that they are in serviceable condition and still meeting members’ requirements. Laying out a prospective schedule for renewal or improvement gives us an opportunity to plan ahead for what we want to get done.
The Long Range Planning committee welcomes input from members.
The team can be reached via email. Click below
Meeting Dates / Times:
Mark Handley-John Yancey-Ken Stevens-Mary Magro- Angela Burns are the small group of volunteers that make up the Long Range Planning Committee. Meetings occur throughout the year as necessary and the dates are published in the TLIA Calendar. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us, just click on the button just above.

to view and download the
2020 TLIA
Long Range Plan
including an inventory of our parks property